Friday, October 26, 2012

my Dreams.. !

today i'm gonna tell you about my dream...
emmmm...actually,x lha satu perkara yang penting..tapi....
Iman teringin sgat2...
Hari tuw... Iman belajar main drum dekat cikgu mior...wahh...syok gitu...
ade gaya macam drumer terkenal pulak...hahax...
saya suka saya suka...
tapi yang malunye bila ade orang tengok..
They like unbelievable that i'm playing tha drum...
hey..please...perempuan pown boleh it...
anyway,i enjoy playing the drum... i can play it...
then,minat iman ade kat alat muzik yang lain jugak...
itu ialah....
yes...this interesting right....
iman jugak penah main alat muzik ni kat dalam bilik cikgu mior...
memang agak hard nak main tapi bila lama2...
Kadang2,iman nak try blajar main Guitar...
Iman teringin nak menyanyi smbil men gitar...
interesting kan...
iman suka nyanyi..hehex...
penah jugak iman jadi vokalist untuk band skolah rendah... tapi semntara ja sebab 
waktu tu iman darjah 6..nak UPSR bg junior lahh sambung..
wktu darjah 6 jugak,iman duet dengan sorang boy ni...
dia main gitar...iman nyanyi...
but we're not a couple lha...hahax...
apepown...Iman minat nak main alat mizik...
tapi satu ja... iman x suka exam muzik... !

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


lama sudah i left my blog... sory...
now i came with a new story... hopefully x kesah...
this is my life... love story...???huh...throw it in the rubbish...
x main lha love-love ,cinta-cinta nihh....
buat ape...buang masa ja...baik kita study right...?
now i would like to share some story 2 you all...
i have some friend... quite crazy but he's kind..
not to excellent but he always make me smile...
no meaning that were couple... nor scandle... it's to far away...
close friend..?? maybe.... we have nothing both of us...
just one things slack here... dia nakal sangat...
i'm trying to change his attitude... yes...! i know i'm not BADAR..
i'm not ustazah...i'm not good...but.....
x salah kalau kita just nak try make him happy and change his attitude...
i know dia dah rosak....everybody know that...
tapi kenapa ade yang menghalang aq untuk mengubah seseorang untuk jadi baik....
it's good right...kalau kita tahu sesuatu,x salah kita share benda least dyorg tahu...
bukan ka manusia dituntut untuk berkawan dengan lbih ramai orang dan x brmusuhan...kan..???
and now,ade orang pandang pelik kat aq...
hey,i'm just friend with him... not over than that...
suka hati dyorang lha nak kata ape2 pown...janji niat i just nak tolong dia...
so i harap klau  ade orang terase 2 mintak maaf lha....
bukan sngaja...
i geram x da orang percaya that i have nothing with him....
my thought is true... believe or not,that's not my fault...
kalau x percaya,kutuk la i bnyak2... i don't care...
yang penting i dah bagitaw...
sekian ja...thank you for reading...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Hye semua.....
Today is the second day PMR in my school..
I see them very busy studying....
I hope all of them past the exam...
Actually,i'm upset about my 'friend' ...
He is form 3 and take PMR exam yesterday,today until 15th October next week..
He didn't came to me.. And i didn't wish luck for him..
but i always wish luck for him...
anyway,i don't have any feelings to him anymore...
not ever and never....
i'm not jealous if he walk  with a girl...normal things right...
i can also do that anytime right...
for me,that was nothing...
cause i'm child..hehex...
I'm quite nervous because next year......
that my turn to take PMR exam...
Hope me luck....